
Some countries have a lot of character and Mexico is definitely one of those. My friend Andreas and I were welcomed by a fake tourist town on the Costa Maya when we arrived by a cruise ship, but I don't mean that in a bad way. Some fake cities are awesome and some just have a hollow vibe, but I immediately loved this place when I saw it walking in on the long pier from the ship.

It's like all of cliché Mexico condensed down into one small tourist place, and when you only got 1 day to spare in what may be the world's most dangerous country, it's perfect. We were greeted by people who looked like they performed a Day of the Dead ritual, a colourful mural, tequila bars, a mariachi band, taco restaurants and on and on.

I was so intrigued to go into the small city, but we were gonna go by bus for an hour to visit the Maya temple called Chacchoben. First we saw a fake temple leaving the fake town, and I'm always one of those that sit and stare out the window the whole busride to embrace the environment. 

This is from when I revisited the fake temple by foot about a week later

Our tour guide told us he would wake us up in an hour and I was like "hell no, I'm not gonna miss everything outside the window". I quickly understood that Mexico has the most straight roads I've ever seen, the road didn't do the slightest turn for like 40 minutes. And the landscape was beautiful, but didn't change. Finally we arrived to something that looked like a small civilization and everyone in the village tried to sell pineapple, and only pineapple, by the side of the road. The guide told us this is the only thing the whole village live on, so I bet life can't be easy there, when your only income is selling pineapples in the middle of nowhere.

We arrived at Chacchoben and the guide was awesome, for the first time we had a guide that didn't talk way too much about nonsense. He kept it easy and interesting and we also had time to explore the area on our own.

The whole environment was amazing, if you could take away the busloads of tourists. We saw some monkeys jumping like crazy around the trees and even running on the temples, and it was an amazing experience to see these old temples in the right environment. 

When we got back to the fake tourist city Andreas had no interest at all to go through it, so we headed back to the boat. I knew I was going to come back a week later anyway, so it was good to save it and have something to look forward to!

About a week later my friend Amanda and I returned to the same place and I thought she would love it. She's into shopping souvenirs and stuff like that, and she doesn't seem to care if it's authentic or not. But while I loved it, she was disappointed. Not even seeing the flamingos could help, so it was up to the cruise ship again to have some taco lunch. 

I thought I hadn't seen enough of Mexico so I decided I would do the ropes course on upperdeck. It was so windy and scary, but I decided my fears shouldn't stop me from getting the best view of Mexico.

 It was the perfect way to say adios and I hope I can return one day to some more authentic city!

* Best things about Mexico – the true character of the country and being able to see a Maya temple, and since I only had two brief stops there I was happy they had built a fake city for me to get an overdose of Mexico in such a short time

* Most mediocre thing about Mexico – the roads are too straight, they should use a curve now and then just to mix things up, I love unique things though so even though I pretend to be annoyed by it, I was pretty amazing too

* Worst things about Mexico – too many tourists, I would love to see the real Mexico one day, if I dare!

Best countries in the world according to the nerd (will be updated with every post):
1. USA
2. The Bahamas
3. Croatia
4. Montenegro
5. Andorra
6. Cyprus
7. Grenada
8. Turkey
9. Greece
10. Italy
11. Spain
12. Monaco
13. Malta
14. Jamaica
15. Netherlands
16. Belize
17. Saint Lucia
18. Iceland
19. Denmark
20. Sweden
21. Lithuania
22. Macedonia
23. Armenia
24. Mexico
25. Portugal
26. Dominica
27. Hungary
28. Slovakia
29. Belarus
30. Slovenia
31. Austria
32. Russia
33. Barbados
34. New Zealand
35. Ireland
36. Germany
37. United Kingdom
38. Belgium
39. Poland
40. Saint Kitts & Nevis
41. Vatican City
42. Estonia
43. Czech Republic
44. Switzerland
45. San Marino
46. Honduras
47. Colombia
48. Costa Rica
49. Kosovo
50. Romania
51. Finland
52. Latvia
53. Azerbaijan
54. Georgia
55. Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
56. Antigua & Barbuda
57. Moldova
58. Norway
59. Ukraine
60. France
61. Bulgaria
62. Luxembourg
63. Liechtenstein
64. Trinidad And Tobago
65. China
66. Serbia
67. Bosnia And Herzegovina
68. Albania 


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